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Affichage des articles du octobre, 2016

Don't keep calm, Exams are coming

Exams, the single moment that makes student tremble with fear. this is the time when all the focus is directed towards one thing- revising to succeed. At GGAST it is even more intense. we take our academics seriously. Sometimes, you will find girls sacrificing hours of sleep to master that one topic. I have gone through nine exams period for the past three years, and I can affirm it is not the best of time. At first, it didn't matter that much. First year+first time = no stress. As the year progressed, things became more serious, I would sleep at midnight and wake up at four in  the morning. As I started grade 11 (S5), things got even tougher. I felt the need to push harder, so I extended my sleeping time to two a.m, and I would wake up at five a.m. It felt fine then, but after the exams I passed four days sleeping for more than twenty hours per day. The pace slowed down a little as the year progressed, but I still found myself waking up at three a.m in the morning. You would ...

Wednesday, my favorite

2013, GSNDL, Southern province Rwanda. Thank God it’s Wednesday (TGIW), for I simply love Wednesdays. This is the day we have the best classes, and the best food. I wake up energised, because Wednesday is close to Monday but still gives a promise of the weekend. I have creative performance in the afternoon, a class where we draw and sing and have fun. After that we go for sports, which I love a lot because we get a chance to get out of school grounds. Later on we go to peel cassavas near the kitchen. It I very fun because we are trying to stuff parts of cassavas in our pockets, while escaping the watchful eye of the matron. After peeling cassavas and keeping some to eat raw the next morning, we go for dinner-sweet potatoes, beans and tea. This is my favourite meal because every other day we eat rice or posho (food made of maize floor). 2016, GGAST, Eastern province, Rwanda. I am still in love with Wednesdays. We have only one class of math for the whole day! I have the rest of t...


I think it's so cute and I think it's so sweet How you let your friends encourage you to try and talk to me But let me stop you there, oh, before you speak My name is "No" My sign is "No" My number is "No" You need to let it go You need to let it go Need to let it go "Nah" to the "Ah" to the "No", All my ladies, listen up If that boy ain't giving up Lick your lips and swing your hips Girl, all you gotta say is... My name is "No" My sign is "No" My number is "No" You need to let it go You need to let it go Need to let it go "Nah" to the "Ah" to the "No", "No", "No" No by  Meghan Trainor, a song that inspired me so much. Many fail to say a word so simple 'NO' Instead they lie, they give the wrong name, wrong number for what? Why give false hopes? Just give a straight NO as an answer. It is much easier, and l...

Vanity, all is vanity.

Ecclesiastes 1:9  What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done; and there is nothing new under the sun. We run after material things. A new handbag, more electronic devices, a better car. We want to be the best and have the best. At an early age, this principle is drilled deep in our consciousness. We go to school and want the best grades. We want to get a lot of money, so we take on careers we do not really like. Yes, we collect riches but our souls are empty. Some do not realise that at a certain time death will come and reap them away. All those riches collected will be for naught because you won't take them with you. All you sweated for will be given to someone who never had to work or sacrifice as much as you did. So why bother? There is nothing new under the sun and all is vanity. Why don't we realize that the moment we die we will just be a record in history, and dust in the ground? We could have invested in something more durable, like...

why I despise being in a leadership position

Many people fight to be on the top. some want to be class presidents, others want to be mayors, governors or even presidents of state. I want none of that. Luckily, I learnt my lesson at an early age.I had just started grade four, I had the best grades in class, and this automatically made me class captain. Though I did not want that position, I could not refuse it. I had an obligation to carry out. On a sunny midday, the teacher was not around, and this was an opportunity for everyone to make noise and have fun. The situation was chaotic, and I was unable to bring order to class. when the teacher came, she asked me for the names of those that were making noise, and I did not have them. In her fury she decided to whip me as an example, and I had to kneel down for the rest of the day. Since then, I  swore to never be a class captain. When I went to secondary school, there was no democracy or even freedom in choosing student leaders. The administration would choose candidates, and w...