Every soul a star,
The soul that knows when to hold your hand,
The soul that will listen to you no matter how much nonsense you say,
The soul that will walk with you through thick and thin,
That is the Gashora Soul.
Every Soul a star,
Hers is a supporter,
No matter how bad you feel,
No matter how much you push her away,
She will always hold you through hardest time
She has the Gashora soul.
She is the mother,
Though she has not yet given birth,
And though we all left our mothers at home,
She will fill up that void,
Remind you to sleep,
Tell you to eat veggies.
Just like your mother.
She is a believer
She knows that everything happens for a reason
She knows there is a power bigger than us, and that is God
Even if when we lost a classmate,
She turned onto God,
Because she knew He will take her to heaven
And there is no reason to cry
She is the Jokester,
Even when your eyes are filled with tears,
Even when your heart is filled with darkness,
You won’t help but laugh whenever she utters a word.
She is the geek,
Either day or night,
Lunch time or class time,
She can’t stop herself from studying,
She is intrigued by the workings of the universe,
And who knows? She might be the next Newton.
She is the Athlete,
You will see her at dawn, running.
You will see her at dusk, dribbling.
And every time she does,
You will see a wide smile spattered on her face
You won’t find a better leader,
She sacrifices her time and energy,
But she never gives up her values.
She will fight fiercely for what she believes in,
Until you can’t do anything else but agree with her.
She is the artist,
She sings with a melodious voice,
She paints with powerful strokes,
She weaves words together to make poems,
She is dramatic, the reason why she rocks the theatres.
But she is also human.
She has known Loss and Pain.
She has cried, until she was not strong enough to do so.
She fell down, crushing all her dreams to ashes.
She knew darkness to the point she could not see her own fingers.
But through all that, she triumphed.
Throughout her journey,
She knew there was another soul right next to her,
One that will not let her remain in the mud,
One that will not let her remain in the darkness,
One that will share her tears, until she learns to smile.
That is the Sisterhood that we shared.
Three years down the road,
But it still feels like Yesterday.
Though we might be separated,
Though the distance will be long,
Our soul will be held together,
Just like the stars in a galaxy.
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