Born in a Catholic family, I was baptized as an infant. At a young age, my parents took me to church. I grew up to understand what I was doing. I received the Sacraments when the time was right. In short, I was living as I should. The time came when I turned into a person who prayed out of habit. I dozed of in the Holy Mass sometimes, not because I wanted to but I couldn't fight it off. I despised group prayers because instead of helping me grow, I started judging and analyzing everything we talked about. At times, I would get out of the mass without remembering what they had preached. I don't blame this on the church. In reality, many people fail to see what they are doing wrong because they are under the wing of the church. Some people go to church as a way to put their wrong doings under a different name. As an example, many people define their sins as weaknesses and believe that God will accept them as they are. Several Churches exist solely for extracting money from the r...