When I first saw the email inviting WiSci alumni for the girl-up summit, I was like Okay. After my favorite closest friend talked me into applying, I was like Heck yeah!!!!!
I never thought I would be selected, despite that I was very honest while applying- something I learnt during college applications. I had just gotten two rejection from a jobs I had applied to, so I braced myself for more. I was elated when I received an email telling me I had been selected.
After being selected, I decided to reflect a lot about female empowerment and relationships. This explains the posts I have been writing lately: the female predicament, Hi I’m a hoe, and feminism part 2. I have more upcoming posts planned about feminism and the female condition and other women stuff.
I am extremely excited about the conference. In addition to being interested in women’s issues, I am planning to concentrate/minor in Women and Gender Studies (WGS). Just like in most systems of oppressions, women have been for long considered as lesser human, as objects to be owned. I want to be part of the movement attempting to humanize women, to show that we too can have lives of our own and make our own choices.
What I am looking forward to the most is the workshops. On monday, I am looking forward to “Create. Relate. Self-soothe: self expression for activists” it will be about how to connect with one’s inner self despite the outside noise and all the inequalities around the world. On tuesday, I am most excited about “social media + the movement” that is mainly about using social media for activism.
Wednesday will be lobby day. We will dress fancy and go to capitol hill. We shall talk to big people (people in power who can actually make stuff happen) about policies and the like. I have always shied away from politics, but as I grow up; I find myself with lots of unpopular opinions that need to be voiced.
I shall be doing some documenting. I am very grateful for being part of such an amazing initiative.
I AM A GIRL. bright, able, outspoken, softspoken, serious, spirited, adventurous, curious and strong.
i am me. i follow. i lead. i learn, i teach. i change my clothes, my hair, my music and my mind.
I have a voice that speaks, ideas to stand on, and a world to step up to. i matter. and so does she.
she may look different and talk different, but she is like me. SHE IS A GIRL. And together we will rise up. Because while we are strong, together we are stronger. And together, our voices will change out world.
You see a girl.
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