I woke up super excited. The summit is finally happening. I dressed up real fancy, and went to the Ronald Reagan building where the summit will take place at for two days. Breakfast was heavenly, however my body told me something was wrong. I ended up having a full blown mental crisis and I had to sleep through more than half the conference that day.
However, I feel like I learnt a lot from the tiny half of the conference I was able to attend. Alyssa Carson, an astronaut in training, talked about pursuing one’s passion. She said that the only reason why she got this far was because she started working on her love for space very early. One of my favorite quote from the talk is about fear; it says “fear is a figment of our imagination, it is not real. Courage is not the absense of fear, it is feeling the fear and doing it anyways.”
Monique Coleman, famous from highschool musical, delivered a very emotional and powerful speech. She talked about her project that started as a failure, something she thought was over. Eight years later, her work paid off; and her failure turned into a success. She talked about acquiring something from the leadership summit. She said that despite the fact that she is delivering knowledge, she was also learning from the 400+ girls at the conference.
The most powerful thing I got from the conference is not to be sorry. I will not be sorry for being a woman, for taking space, for being vulnerable, for loving make-up and flimsy clothing, for speaking up to great people. I learned to open my heart and let go. I learned to understand my gifting and use it for the good.
I AM A GIRL. bright, able, outspoken, softspoken, serious, spirited, adventurous, curious and strong.
i am me. i follow. i lead. i learn, i teach. i change my clothes, my hair, my music and my mind.
I have a voice that speaks, ideas to stand on, and a world to step up to. i matter. and so does she.
she may look different and talk different, but she is like me. SHE IS A GIRL. And together we will rise up. Because while we are strong, together we are stronger. And together, our voices will change out world.
You see a girl.
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